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Part 10 of 666. Jehovah has given up on mankind long ago.

In part 10 of I Walked with Satan I Apophis Dagod will explain that jehovah has abandoned mankind long ago.
Jehovah god tried to get through to mankind thousands of years ago. He tried to get through to you people but you all prefered what Satan had to offer for the now and not what may be upon your death.
And that is the right choice because all of you will never ascend so live it up while you can. But remember you can still have an eternity of those pleasures and more when you pledge your soul today. You wisely chose the pleasures of the flesh so as it states in the bible jehovah has given you up to your vile affections, your filthy sins etc etc in the eyes of jehovah mind you, but not us and Lucifer. To us its all good.
You have been abandoned by jehovah and all of your fates are the pit. No heaven for you accept it.
After the bible was dictated from jehovah that was it, he never again spoke to anyone.
So if its not in the bible which is the word of jehovah it was made up.
I can list hundreds if not more of examples just with the catholics alone who are more like the ultimate blasphemers in the eyes of jehovah.
Then you have the Mormons and their book, Presbyterians, 7th Day Adventists. That Ellen G White was a real pip, and the list goes on.
Any voices or revelations from these clowns was all Lucifers doing.
There is only one so called religion of jehovah and thats what he laid down in the bible, nothing more nothing less.
This is another reason why you so called religious folks are headed for the pit even though you don't think so.
But this is all part of the plan. You have all been duped by Lucifer and he has you all thinking you are safe and secure in the arms of Jesus, oh how cute. Sorry people it ain't happening. Jehovah abandoned you and Lucifer has been loosed and has been firing at will.
You writhe in the pleasure and ecstasy that Lucifer offers you continuously and you think your going to heaven. You really are delusional or should I say gullible to believe that you can't lead a life of pleasures of the flesh and sin and you are going to heaven anyway cause Jesus has forgiven you. Get real, get Mopar!
Hell ain't no bad place to be for pledged souls it's a continuous orgy of ecstasy and pleasures. Lucifer rewards those who accept Him as their true Savior from this life and pledge their soul. All the others go straight to the pit.
This is the time to make your choice people. Lucifer has told me that the battle against jehovah and the ascended will soon come to pass and we will be victorious.Make your choice or its either the torment in the pit or the eternal delights Lucifer will grant you as of His elect and one of Legion.
So remember my friends you have been abandoned by jehovah and the only alternative for an eternal life of ecstacy for you is to pledge your soul now.
If not to the pit with you and suffer at the hands of the pledged souls and our sadistic delights. Pledge now.
This is enough for part 10 of I walked with Satan. Remember Lucifer is Love. Satan Saves

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